Friday, September 18, 2009

Orgasmic Spirituality

James Baldwin once said, "We can't heal what we are not willing to face." I used this quote to help in my decision to write about my orgasmic spirituality. Some time ago, my sister forwarded me a very inspirational segment speech by Iyvana Vanzant which focused on creating a spiritual resume of your life. This speech motivated and moved my spirit to write this article for my audience. It is a valuable lesson of our lives and how we choose to live it. We all know how loving and caring the older generation has been to us. We respect their leadership and guidance and advice when they tell us that " life ain't easy," or "life is very hard." I beg to differ about that. I truly believe that life is full of the love and respect that the Universe blesses all of us with. However, the people of the earth have to make the cautious decision on how to keep and maintain that love for themselves. Therefore, life does not have to be hard. As a matter of fact, life is not hard. Life is what you make of it and what you put into it. As the Creator and Founder of Zakia's Zen Garden I decided to conduct and compose my own spiritual resume and inform the people of the world about achieving your spiritual orgasm. Learn how to keep a spiritual orgasm for the rest of your life here on earth.This is a journey that no woman, no man, or child should ever neglect. From a woman's perspective, to achieve an orgasm only requires one or two things. Maybe your vibrator or maybe your man. Either way, you achieve it. But there is only one question. How long does that sexual orgasm last? Maybe a second, maybe a minute, or maybe you could achieve a 24 hour sexual orgasm depending on how good your mate is to you and your body or if he knows what he is doing.Yes, the sexual sensation of achieving an orgasm feels good to the body, yet it does not last long for the other person. However, achieving an orgasm that feels good to your soul and spirit will last you a life time. Can we say "Spiritual Orgasm". The sensation of achieving this spiritual orgasm is one of the best feelings in the world. It is the kind of feeling that you get when you can feel the hand of the Universe touch your inner soul. It's a touch of peace of mind, serenity, and tranquility. I achieved my my spiritual orgasm in 2008 when I came to the realization that my self esteem and sense of self worth were in jeopardy. Both entities are so important to have and keep for the rest of your life. It did not occur to me that both of these gifts from the Universe help in your understanding and guidance in the world and how you relate to the people in your life. They both teach you how to treat yourself and how people must treat you. Like a naive victim, I allowed people to take my sense of self worth and identity from my soul and spirit. It took me almost 34 years of my life to realize that my self worth and identity were in a depressing crisis. From the constant conflicts of the baby daddy drama, relatives trying to control my every move of my life, to my addiction of financial debt, led to me become self destructive and almost suicidal. From not wanting to get out of bed in the morning to deliberately setting myself up in a deeper and deeper financial crises, it was apparent that my life was slowly going down the toilet without a care in the world.Then one day, I decided to take charge of my life. I stopped pointing my finger at people, and I started to turn the mirror on myself. It is amazing to see where others have hurt you, but it is not easy to turn that image on yourself to see where you could have caused that to occur. The first thing that I did was call all of my creditors to settle deliberate debts that I set up for myself. I had to take that ownership. I could no longer blame the lack of my daughter's father at the time for not wanting to help out. I just had to do it myself. Luckily for me, my creditors worked very well with me. As a result of this and over a span of 2 1/2 years, my credit score went from a 513 to a 655. I couldn't believe it. Now I watch every penny that leaves my checking account. The second thing I did was to take a stand on what I wanted for myself and my daugther. I began to go into deep meditations where I would visualize what I wanted for my life. This was not easy as well. When your life is full of such toxic waste and negativity, it is not easy to shift that energy in a positive direction. Therefore, I knew that I had to stay consistent with this task to which the Universe informed me to do. Within a matter of a few years and a strict change in my eating lifestyle, I gained a full understanding of myself, my child, as well as other people in my life. I now have more control over what I want for me as well as what I will not accept in my life.Achieving this spiritual orgasm taught me that there is a reason why there are certain people in my life. For instance, being in a very toxic relationship from 1999 to 2003 taught me to be grateful for this abusive experience. This may sound like the craziest thing in the world, but I was still grateful. After achieving my spiritual orgasm,I started to see that there are certain people in your life who to teach you things. Whether those people are good, bad, ugly, or even toxic, those people are here to teach you something. That toxic relationship along with other relationships with family or friends taught me what I don't want for myself or my next relationship. This is your spiritual orgasm. When you begin to realize why certain things happen or why certain things go on in your life, this is when you have achieved the greatest thing in your life. Now according to the Universe, you have reached a sense of security in your own skin, you begin to think on a spiritually conscious level, you have reached a sense of self worth, and you have reached a sense of who you are and why you are here. This is the type of orgasm I think any conscious human being would have rather than a sexual one. A sexual orgasm only last a few hours where as a spiritual orgasm last a life time.

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